When is it normal for a baby to start crawling? Key signs and stages

If you have a baby, it's normal to be aware of each of his or her developmental advances. One of the most anticipated milestones is crawling .
Many parents wonder at what age babies start crawling and, although each baby has their own rhythm, some signs can help us determine when a baby starts crawling.
When do babies start crawling?
The moment when babies start crawling is an important milestone in their motor development, as it marks the beginning of their independent exploration of the environment.
Although we will give references on how many months a baby crawls , remember that it is important to keep in mind that each baby is unique and the time frames may vary, or your baby may even skip this step and go straight to walking.
At what age do babies start crawling?
When do babies start crawling ? Most babies start crawling between 6 and 10 months of age .
Some factors, such as genetics, environment or your own personality, can influence the age at which your baby crawls , so don't worry if it takes a while.
Signs your baby is getting ready to crawl
A crawling baby usually shows some signs that he is ready to crawl before he actually does so. Some signs that can help us to guess when a baby is starting to crawl include:
- Attempts to get up. When a baby crawls, it is because he has enough strength. Therefore, his attempts to lift his torso using his arms are an indication that he is preparing to crawl.
- Rocking. Rocking helps strengthen muscles, which is essential when babies crawl.
- First movements. Some babies move by rolling or lightly dragging themselves before they can crawl.
- Increased curiosity to explore . You can try leaving toys or objects that spark interest near the baby and see if and how he or she tries to reach them.
What are the types of crawling?
In addition to knowing at what age babies crawl , it is important to know the ways they usually use to move, which do not always involve traditional crawling using hands and knees.
For example, some babies crawl using only their arms, while others may crawl sideways or even crawl on their hands and feet instead of their knees.
Any of these options are valid and normal in a baby.
Baby Percentile Calculator
To determine at what age a baby crawls, it is also important to take into account their development, since strengthening their muscles is essential for them to be able to move.
A percentile calculator allows you to calculate your progress compared to other babies based on your weight, height and head circumference.
Whether your baby is in a low or high percentile does not necessarily mean there are problems, but it can be useful to understand how their physical development influences their mobility since, for example, lighter babies may be more agile and older ones may require more time to strengthen their muscles before crawling.
How can you teach your baby to crawl?
Although crawling usually happens naturally, there are ways to encourage your baby to explore and move.
The first step is to create a safe space , for example with a rug, to make it more comfortable and avoid bumps.
Make sure that the baby's clothes are comfortable and do not hinder movement . A baby romper in the right size is perfect for making it easier for the baby to move comfortably, without the clothes being an obstacle.
As a game to teach your baby to crawl , you can place him on his tummy when he is calm and leave toys close to him, but out of his reach, so that he tries to move to reach them. You can also invite him to come to you and praise him if he shows signs of trying.
Remember that learning should always be a game in which the baby feels happy and safe, avoiding frustrations and pressures that could be counterproductive.
What if your baby doesn't crawl as expected?
Some babies skip the crawling stage altogether and go straight to walking, although they should still show some of the signs of motor development, such as the ability to sit up, swing, try to move, and show curiosity to explore.
If you are concerned about your baby's behavior, whether it is because of what he or she does or doesn't do, consult a professional for advice.
Accompanying a baby in all its stages of learning is exciting. These are moments to enjoy to the full, which pass much faster than it seems.